eBay pick of the day: Wobulator knock-off
"D.H." dual tremolo pedal

A rarity indeed! Apparently, this is a prototype edition (no serial number) of a Lovetone Wobulator knock-off pedal produced by a man/company known only as "D. H." Mysterious, eh?
It doesn't have the trigger input of the original (and I can only assume the "Pedal In" controls the first LFO rate, but who knows), but the graphics are pretty close, and the price is right. Also, it's nice to see something a little more ambitious than a "new" Rangemaster in the boutique clone market.

A rarity indeed! Apparently, this is a prototype edition (no serial number) of a Lovetone Wobulator knock-off pedal produced by a man/company known only as "D. H." Mysterious, eh?
It doesn't have the trigger input of the original (and I can only assume the "Pedal In" controls the first LFO rate, but who knows), but the graphics are pretty close, and the price is right. Also, it's nice to see something a little more ambitious than a "new" Rangemaster in the boutique clone market.
Labels: eBay
what is price this nice pedal?
Dirk Hendrik is the builder.. this may well have been mine though I don't think I sold it on ebay. Perhaps the person I sold it to did? It's a great take on the Wobulator and one I regret selling.
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