Monday, November 10, 2008

M. Thomas Eisenstadt

Sorry about the recent lack of posts. We're still coming down from our Nov. 1st blow-out at Union Hall with The Tender & Vulnerable and Thee Iran-Contras. It was one for the ages and we'll be posting photos, videos and more soon. (Also, if you were there and took pictures, please get in touch!)

In the meantime, I just read that someone named Michael Thomas Eisenstadt came forward and claimed to be the source of the "Sarah Palin does not know anything" rumors, even though there's some speculation as to whether or not he exists off the page. His name sure looks like a Scrabble creation, so in a "Sneakers" move, I thought it would be fun to rearrange it and see what I could find...

...I recommend you do the same. Go to Anagram Genius and type in either "M. Thomas Eisenstadt," "Michael Eisenstadt" and/or "Michael Thomas Eisenstadt." They're all weirdly appropriate.

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