New distro boards!
David from Bubblesound was kind enough to show me the "build your own bus board" ropes tonight, helping me solder together three chain-able boards. Aren't they pretty?

Seriously, seriously big thanks to David for helping me with the project. Fingers crossed, I'll finally be able to power all of our modules simultaneously! Look for an update to that effect tomorrow night.

Good news: everything powers simultaneously. Bad news: the power supply isn't strong enough for two rows of modules. Hmph. Luckily, Modular World just (literally-- this was released yesterday) put out a new 2000mA supply that will do nicely.
Seriously, seriously big thanks to David for helping me with the project. Fingers crossed, I'll finally be able to power all of our modules simultaneously! Look for an update to that effect tomorrow night.
Good news: everything powers simultaneously. Bad news: the power supply isn't strong enough for two rows of modules. Hmph. Luckily, Modular World just (literally-- this was released yesterday) put out a new 2000mA supply that will do nicely.
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