"The Iran-Contras" reissue + new outtakes EP
Original front cover:

New front cover:

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the first Iran-Contras cassette-- Colonial's first release-- has been reissued in digital format as CR-100. Recorded June of 2000 at 13 Colonial Ave. in Annapolis, MD onto two tracks in this room:

This was a college town, summer survivors weekend get-together, which Terry organized and I recorded-- we weren't a band, didn't know each other that well and had zero prepared material before getting started. Basically, everyone Terry knew who was still in town after the school year ended was invited to come over to the house we were renting to drink and make music. Afterward, he suggested I make copies of a mix from that weekend's tapes, and it became Colonial Recordings USA 001. There are about 50 of them floating around, on 36-minute yellow cassettes that I bought for next to nothing from a now defunct congregational supply distro. The first 20 had an American flag sticker on Side A.
Stream it for free here:
"s/t" by Thee Iran-Contras by Thee Iran-Contras

New front cover:

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the first Iran-Contras cassette-- Colonial's first release-- has been reissued in digital format as CR-100. Recorded June of 2000 at 13 Colonial Ave. in Annapolis, MD onto two tracks in this room:

This was a college town, summer survivors weekend get-together, which Terry organized and I recorded-- we weren't a band, didn't know each other that well and had zero prepared material before getting started. Basically, everyone Terry knew who was still in town after the school year ended was invited to come over to the house we were renting to drink and make music. Afterward, he suggested I make copies of a mix from that weekend's tapes, and it became Colonial Recordings USA 001. There are about 50 of them floating around, on 36-minute yellow cassettes that I bought for next to nothing from a now defunct congregational supply distro. The first 20 had an American flag sticker on Side A.
Stream it for free here:
"s/t" by Thee Iran-Contras by Thee Iran-Contras
As a bonus, I've pieced together the tracks that were recorded during the weekend that led to the tape but didn't make it onto the final edition-- all of which previously unreleased-- onto a new EP, called "Jersey Jump" (CR-101). Named after the guy who inadvertently named the band, Justin Andrews. CR-101.
Free stream here:
"Jersey Jump" by Thee Iran-Contras by Thee Iran-Contras
All tracks are download-able as well. I'll have both of these up for about month, after which point they will be available on CD-R from the label.
Labels: Events, Other bands we're in
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